Home in the Highlands

When you visit our beautiful new display residence, your eyes will be immediately drawn to the amazing artworks adorning the walls. A great number of them are the works of renowned local artist, Elizabeth Young who has called the Southern Highlands home for the past 13 years.

Elizabeth says, “My art represents my feelings for the constantly changing natural environment of the Southern Highlands. The dramatic changes brought about by four very distinctive seasons, as well as the different moods and feelings created by these transitions of nature in the Southern Highlands, have inspired these works. I particularly love the starkness of the Winter landscape with silhouettes of naked branches against the sombre greys, the beautiful colours of trees dressed in their Autumn glory and the beginning of nature’s new life in Spring. The sight of the magnificent mist descending like a veil over the landscape, creating an ethereal and romantic atmosphere, is the most wonderous joy that I experience living here in the Highlands.”

When creating her artworks, Elizabeth uses her eyes as a camera, and her emotional responses to capture whatever she sees. The result shows the dramatic impact that the local landscape has on her in a variety of different styles, from impressionistic and abstract through to linear and realistic.

All of Elizabeth’s artworks on display are for sale, please speak to Joanna when you visit for a pricelist, or contact Elizabeth directly through her website www.elizabethyoung.com.au where you will be able to view a full gallery of her stunning work.

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